Original Title | Yakuza 5
龍が如く5 夢、叶えし者 |
Release Year | 2019-06-20 |
Genre | Action, Adventure |
Publisher | SEGA |
Image Format | PKG |
Game Version | 1.01 |
Language | Japanese |
Required firmware | Compatible 6.72 (Use HEN Here) |
Multiplayer | no |
Age rating | 16+ |
The clash between two big gangs brings the schemes and dark plots within the police force to the surface. And now the fragile peace is only protected through the vows taken between the gangs. However, upon the death of the big boss, everything falls back into chaos, and this time, the violence spreads out from Kamuro-cho, spilling all over Japan. Osaka, Sapporo, Fukuoka, Nagoya and Tokyo are turned into war zones as the gangs seek dominion over one another. The story is told through the POV of five characters. Gamers will see more of Kiryuu and his charge Haruka. New characters include a criminal vying for the spot of a gang boss, a porn writer and a con-man. Everything is heading for a big collision, and there is no way a gamer with ambition can afford to miss this
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